How’d an Extraterrestrial Race like the Predator Evolve with Technology without Making them Lazy and Less Intelligent?

So a few months ago, I ran across an article discussing how the Alien Predator species evolved with technology without making them lazy and less intelligent, it's a big topic at hand considering it's obviously happening to us. Sadly, I didn't save that article, maybe it'll pop up again on the internet. But if you…
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Preserving Hormones Testosterone and DHT not Just Masculinity

Correction, we must preserve the hormones Tesosterone and DHT, not just masculinity, we must also look at the science... You can't just wish this into masculinity into existence and it's going to happen, lot of science and studies backing masculinity and testosterone being destroyed by gender bending chemicals Atrazine, Microplastics, PFAS... In order to preserve…
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What Happened to Low Budget Sports Movies? – Aspen Extreme 1993 & Sideout 1990

If you read this blog, you know I'm quite the critic of Hollywood lately, promoting nonsensical unrealistic diets like Veganism when testosterone levels are at an all time and being obliterated by herbicides like Atrazine... Barely any hunting and fishing movies coming out Hollywood lately... Well what happened to the low budget sports B movies…
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Could being on Finasteride and Vegan Diet change your Passion on Wanting to Hunt/Fish?

"There are fat soluble nutrients that you cannot get from plants: vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K2, vitamin E. You cannot get these from plants." "Creatine is a bioactive compound that's lacking in plant-based diets. It plays an important role in brain and muscle function." There definitely seems to be a completely opposite way of…
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